Ana Sayfa Güncel 6 Haziran 2023 214 Görüntüleme

Dental Turkey Antalya Aesthetic Dentistry

Dental Turkey Antalya aesthetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that gives importance to the aesthetic appearance as well as the health of the teeth. There are many dental clinics specializing in aesthetic dentistry in Antalya. These clinics use various techniques to reshape, whiten, even correct patients’ teeth.
Smile design is one of the most popular applications of aesthetic dentistry. This application is used to reshape the appearance of the patient’s teeth, correct the appearance of damaged teeth and fill gaps in the mouth. This process usually begins with a design and planning process performed by the dentist. The dentist determines the appropriate treatments to achieve the closest result to the desired appearance of the patient, taking into account the shape, size, color and overall appearance of the patient’s teeth.

Dental Turkey Antalya Aesthetic Dentistry

Dental Turkey Antalya Aesthetic Dentistry

Smile Design Techniques

Dentist Turkey Antalya aesthetic dentistry techniques used during smile design include dental veneers, bonding, dental implants, Decals and orthodontic treatments. Veneers are placed on the front surface of the teeth as thin, porcelain veneers. Bonding allows the teeth to be shaped with a special material prepared by the dentist. Dental implants are used to replace lost teeth with new ones. Dental crowns, on the other hand, are used to cover the entire tooth and are used to correct caries, fractures or abrasion of the teeth.
The prices of aesthetic dentistry practices in Antalya may vary depending on the needs of the patient and the techniques used. However, in general, many foreign patients come to Antalya because the prices of aesthetic dentistry practices in Turkey are more affordable than in other countries. In addition, dental clinics usually provide a modern and comfortable environment to offer a comfortable experience to their patients.

Dentist Turkey Antalya Aesthetic Dentistry Service

As a result, aesthetic dentistry, smile design and other practices in Antalya are offered by many dental clinics that offer high-quality services. These clinics use experienced dentists and modern technology to help patients improve the appearance of their teeth.
In addition, many foreign patients come here because the prices of aesthetic dentistry practices in Antalya are more affordable than in other countries. For this reason, it is an extremely correct decision to have dental treatment in Antalya, and in order to get the dentist Turkey Antalya aesthetic dentistry service, just contact us.

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